
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Modified Stitch n Bitch Hat

There's nothing better than a fellow crafter to appreciate the time that goes into a handmade gift! Every Christmas, my crafty friend and I trade handmade gifts. I knew she needed a hat; she knew I needed a bag for my bike.

I made her this Devil and Kitty Hat from Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook. This is one of the most useful craft books on my shelf. I've owned the book for about 7 years and still find the patterns useful. The original pattern has the option of kitty ears or devil horns, but we decided those weren't her thing.

I love the garter stitch contrast on the ear flaps. I also highly recommend the yarn! It's super soft alpaca -- warm and soft to work with in winter.

In return, my friend made me a bike bag that velcros to my handlebars. It's made from purple vintage Marimekko fabric! Good thing it's oilcloth because I've been drooling on it.

What I used to make this:
Stitch 'N Bitch Devil and Kitty Hat pattern (minus the ears)
Cascade Yarns Baby Alpaca Chunky in Sapphire Lace, from Purl Soho

What I listened to while I made this: A Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi Trio
What's the most useful craft book on your shelf?

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